
11 Pre-eminent Practices for ASP NET MVC

11 Pre-eminent Practices for ASP NET MVC

.NET is a developing tool that is a framework or platform. Microsoft released it with the purpose of providing common competencies across a wide range of devices and operating systems. On the other hand, active Server Pages.NET is a technology that was created by Microsoft, using .NET abilities to provide dynamic content on the Internet. It simply means that the content can be fine-tuned concerning the circumstances for which it was requested.

For example, if you consider a webpage displaying weather information, you will notice that the time is very accurate and shows the current status. However, with time passing, the information becomes outdated, needs the latest updates. Hence you will have to redesign the webpage so that it is not a tedious process. By using ASP.NET, you can always automatically update your webpage, so the page you only have to create once. In this blog, let us find some of the practices for ASP NET MVC.

What is MVC?

MVC is an architectural design also known as Model-View-Controller. It disrupts the internals of a software app into several pieces, which includes following categories:


This is where all the information exists. It has a database, which is as simple as its file. In an application such as Microsoft Word, this can be a document you will be working on.


This is what users see on their monitors. Precisely, it is exactly what you see as a part that draws on the screens. For example, in Microsoft Word, it is usually available in the form of words that display on the page.


It plays a significant part as the logic for an application. It performs all the essential processing. Hence in Microsoft Word, it is a program code that is efficient enough to perform operations that Word provides.

As a web developer, if you are still not sure whether you need to upgrade your ASP.NET to ASP.NET MVC or not, here is your chance to discover all. Explore these 11 unsurpassed Practices for ASP NET MVC that you definitely need to consider.

Controller’s Practices for ASP NET MVC

Isolate Controllers 

Testing, developing, and modifying becomes very hard if there is more dependence on the Http Context, data access classes, and configuration. Hence it is better to isolate controllers from the outside world.

Using IoC Container

As discussed above, in order to isolate the controllers, you will have to use an IoC container to manage all the external dependencies. Since there are several presents around hence, it is convenient to build for yourself if required.

Delete Account Controller

You will feel a need to use it since it is definitely not a good practice to use demo code for your applications.

Avoid any “magic strings.”

Avoid using ViewData[“key”] and always build a ViewModel according to the View. Moreover, you can use strongly-typed views such as ViewPage<ViewModel>.

Magic strings are not good enough since they will never let you know about the failing views, especially due to misspelling errors or using a strongly-typed model. Thus, you will face a compile-time error whenever there is a significant problem. As an extra thing, you get Intellisense.

Create your “Personal Conventions”

You can use ASP.NET MVC as a base for the reference architecture. You can impose your conventions for controllers and such views you can get from your personal base classes rather than using the default ones.

Model’s Practices for ASP NET MVC

Domain Model vs. View Model

The DomainModel indicates the domain, whereas ViewModel is designed with special requirements of the View, which are quite different. Moreover, the DomainModel is data added with behaviors. It comprises hierarchical and complex types, whereas the ViewModel is DTO, flat, and made using strings. To eliminate the monotonous and error-prone object-mapping code, you can make use of AutoMapper.

Using ActionFilters for “shared” data

If you don’t need any controllers for retrieving the data which is shared between different views. You can simply use the Action Filters for retrieving the essential data which needs to be shared and used partially for displaying.

View’s Practices for ASP NET MVC

NEVER user code-behind

You should never use a code-behind.

If there is an ‘if,’ write an HtmlHelper

Views need to be dumb (and Controllers skinny and Models fat). Therefore, if you write an “if,” make sure you write an HtmlHelper to avoid revealing the conditional statement.

Write HTML every time you need to


Web developers need to be comfortable with writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Therefore you should never use HtmlHelpers for a reason to hide the HTML away (For example, Html. Submit or Html.Button).

Carefully Select your view engine

The default view engine is WebFormViewEngine, but it is not the best one. You can preferably use Spark View Engine since it is very likely and more suitable for an MVC view.

