How PPC strategy for search and display network differs?


How PPC strategy for search and display network differs?

Google ads services work for both Google Search Network and Display Network. You can employ PPC Marketing (aka Pay Per Click) for both channels. However, there seems to be a variance between the PPC strategy for search and display network; ad strategies. Today we will explain it thoroughly.

First, let’s know a handful of both networks.

Google Search Network

It is a search-related website network. When people search for a query, the “Search Ads” appear alongside organic results. The typical places of their appearance are:

  • Search Engine Result Pages (SERP)
  • Google Search Partners
  • Google Maps, Google Images, Google Shopping

Google Display Network

It is a network covering more than 2 million websites, apps, and videos. More specifically, it can reach 90% of internet users.

“Display Ads” appear in front of internet visitors while browsing across the web, apps, and videos, for instance, Gmail, YouTube.

Why the PPC strategy for search and display network differs?

From above, you get to know which and where your ads appear.

Admittedly, both networks viably serve for advertising. However, both have a different course of action. Search Ads are kind of “pull advertising” and are limited to one place only “search” that is “grabbing the search/user intent.”

On the contrary, Display Ads are “push advertising” and work with “browsing and reach.” In short, “creating the awareness whether users are interested or not.”


Now, you can guess the need for the change in the approaches for both networks. One PPC Marketing tactic will not work the same for search and display as search engines never trigger display ads to appear during the search.

Now let’s move forward to:

How the PPC strategy for search and display network diverge?

In short, the user behavior of the search and display network is different—no need to mention that the conversion rate is also pretty different. Thus, divergent strategies become necessary to get favorable results.

Search Ads cope up to the users that are in urgent need for the product and services like plumbing, locksmith, electrician, car recovery.


Therefore, the ad process revolves around Action only. It means that people just need to take action, and they will purchase with you.

Thus, you need to be professional in your business and offer high-quality services and products. Besides, create appealing ad copies around the keywords related to your services/ products.

In contrast to the PPC strategy for search ads, the Display Ads process revolves around four stages;

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Consideration
  • Action (purchasing)

It means, as the search network, the visitors here are not readily looking for what you are offering. Therefore, you need to come upfront.

Build Trust and Live Up to Give Value

However, the pondering point is that when you publish your ads and they appear, it is more like you are barging in the internet visitors’ browsing. Also, there is no guarantee that they will let you break-in and stop doing what they search, read, or watch.

Thus, you need to build trust using valuable content that can grab the audience’s attention. Most of the visitors definitely get interested in what your offer. Hence, after brand awareness, you can use retargeting and convince the audience to purchase with you.

We have listed all the vital information on PPC strategy for search network and display network to help your drive productive outcomes via PPC Marketing.

Put your skates on and make your PPC spent fortune worth it.
