
Benefits of Litespeed Hosting

LiteSpeed is an exclusive web server solution found in 2003. Later releases were well-known LSWS for being one of the fastest choices in the market. Moreover, similar web hosting solutions comprise Apache. For instance, LiteSpeed is definitely not free. Still, you will have to take into consideration several performance benefits, which might cost a lot. cPanel fully supports LSWS, which indicates that speeding up your site might be more convenient than you think. Hence LiteSpeed web hosting is the best choice for you.


Benefits of  Litespeed Hosting:

LiteSpeed web hosting cache technology is best to reduce the page load times of your site. Hence it allows the website to increase the page speed score. Customers might experience high-speed site loading pages along with Linux HostingSpeed is one of the most significant factors to let people stay on your site for much longer. If the speed of your site is slow, it will automatically damage the overall performance. In addition, LiteSpeed web hosting also provides you with both speed and performance so that you do not encounter any type of attacks on the server.

LiteSpeed Web Hosting is also essential for shared hosting environments. Websites that operate on a shared hosting platform are usually powered using LiteSpeed web hosting, which is generally hosted on servers requiring much less CPU as well as storage than Apache. Hence it operates the applications at a fast and predictable CPU and memory usage. All in all, LiteSpeed Web Hosting is a lot faster than Apache Web Server. It is 50% faster in comparison with PHP performance.

Main LiteSpeed Advantages

  • Maximum capacity of Apache: The popular “shared” web hosts still make use of the Apache webserver. Therefore, LiteSpeed Web Server has streamlined event-driven architecture, which is capable enough to control numerous concurrent clients using less memory consumption and CPU usage.
  • Additional Security: You can continue using familiar mod security rules, which are also exceptionally good for built-in anti-DDoS aspects, which comprise bandwidth as well as connection throttling.
  • Decrease in Complexity: By eradicating the need for one of the HTTPS reverse proxy or extra 3rd party caching layers is also one of the reasons which show that LiteSpeed web hosting is the best choice.

Reasons Why LiteSpeed web hosting is the Best Choice:

Let us consider some of the reasons why LiteSpeed is the best choice and replacement for Apache in comparison with other web servers.

Increase in Performance:

LiteSpeed functions well when serving websites and pages to collect several visitors each second. The best thing is that it uses minimal hardware resources, including memory and CPU. However, LiteSpeed provides static content at a much faster rate in comparison with any other web server. In addition, it upsurges PHP performance which is because of custom PHP LSAPI.

For instance, if you have a hectic WordPress site using a VPS Hosting Server, LiteSpeed is exceptionally good help. However, if you switch from Apache to LSWS, you can clearly see that your server load is going to drop up to 10 times instantaneously.

Increase in Security:

LiteSpeed web hosting is the best choice since there are several security advantages of LSWS. Firstly, if you need 100% Apache compatible, you will have to use the mod security module you will ultimately use to block most web attacks. LiteSpeed operates as being with all the evident rules without any need for additional setup.

Above all, LiteSpeed comprises several security aspects available with the website under DoS or DDoS outbreak. LSWS is mostly a built-in anti-DDoS choice that comprises bandwidth and connection control. In addition to this, LiteSpeed developers are admirable for quickly addressing DoS attacks.


Reduce in Hardware Cost:

Best litespeed hosting is a paid solution, but while comparing $30-40/mo in licensing fees for hundreds and thousands of dollars which are spent in hardware. Hence it makes your server fast and consistent enough. In addition to this, LSWS also decreases the cost of system administration, especially when it comes to 24/7 technical support. Hence, you can definitely contact the LiteSpeed Team and get instant assistance while encountering such issues.

Reduce in Hardware Cost:

LiteSpeed is a paid solution, but while comparing $30-40/mo in licensing fees for hundreds and thousands of dollars which are spent in hardware. Hence it makes your server fast and consistent enough. In addition to this, LSWS also decreases the cost of system administration, especially when it comes to 24/7 technical support. Hence, you can definitely contact the LiteSpeed Team and get instant assistance while encountering such issues.

Superior SEO results and profitability:

In 2022, it is definitely not big a big deal when website speed is a key factor essential for client satisfaction. Hence search engines help to load pages at a much faster rate. Google uses more than 250 diverse components while ranking sites. However, it still weighs more than others. Speed is definitely one of the major factors which are definitely best for publicly outlining its importance. Therefore, you can see how LiteSpeed is definitely a great option. It definitely provides a fast webserver technology since it offers a great way to ensure optimization with proper speed and performance.

Final Verdict!

Websites have several diverse goals, purposes, as well as target audiences. Therefore, each web page can use fast and reliable servers, whatever the niche is. In addition to this, benefits wordpress litespeed hosting is easily replaceable with Apache since several hosting providers are present. Hence it brings maximum performance along with several cost benefits in the long run.

