What is WordPress Carousel? Pros and Cons


What is WordPress Carousel ? Pros and Cons


A carousel may be referred to as a slider, gallery of images, or a slideshow. However, it is much more than that. WordPress Carousel and the slider have a very fine line that differentiates the both. Sliders are web elements that rotate the set of images or text. There are product sliders, automatic slideshows, horizontal/vertical sliders, and lightbox sliders, etc. However, Carousels are specified sliders that show multiple images in one row. In simple words, a slider shows one image or text at a time, whereas, with a Carousel, you can share more than one image.


The proficient use of WordPress is mentioned below.

Uses of Carousels

No doubt, Carousel addons by a website development company showcases your brand’s creative and innovative approach. The typical uses of Carousel include scrolling, news headlines, image galleries, and homepage features articles. Recommended by top-tier WordPress development agency WordPress Carousels find amazing applications because:

  • Carousels save time and space
  • It helps in smartly organizing the related content in one place on the website.

However, while incorporating the Carousels in the website development, you must focus on usability rather than the temptation. Some of the best usage examples include the Woocommerce product carousels, testimonial carousels, post carousels, logo carousels, and event Carousels. 

Pros and Cons

It is vital for responsive and conversions generating website development to venture into using new features and tools. Hence, you can provide your users with a unique experience as well and provoke them for conversions. WordPress Carousels create amazing effects, and with the pros, it poses some cons as well. 


The carousel is built on a slick foundation. However, it comes with block editor compatibility. Hence, it allows the users to create posts, products, and image carousels. It exhibits five images per slide, but you change this in the breakpoint settings.

The ticker mode creates the perfect WordPress logo Carousels with the automatic scroll effect. It is an amazing feature that you may have to pay for is available free of any cost.


The WordPress Carousel upgrade is costly. It lacks a dedicated block element available with other plugins and apps. However, you can use shortcodes to add the slider to the block editor.
