Domain name registration term allowance:
The .Gos.PK domain Name duration: 2,4,6,8 upto 10 years registration are possible at one time.
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This domain extension is reserve for the Government of Sindh province of Pakistan’s institutes and departments.
Sindh is one of the main province of the Pakistan because it is located along the Arabian Sea. Sindh is also bigger than Punjab because it covers 140,915 square kilometer area of Pakistan on North-East side. After Punjab, it holds a second number which has a great contribution in increasing Pakistan’s Economy day by day. Computer technologies and Internet also play a vital role in increasing its economy for the country. Many Government departments are running in Sindh and now they all try their best to make a unique website for their government or to represent their government department by the name of their Province. .Gos.PK domain is specially designed for this purpose.
All those Departments and institutes who located in Sindh and also affiliated by the Government of Sindh are eligible to get .Gos.PK domain for their Government Department. In Sindh just few Web service providers have authorization to Register and renew a .Gos.PK domain. Navicosoft is only web service provider in Sindh who is the main reseller of PKNIC and have authority to register or renew a .Gos.PK domain in low prices.
Government institutions of Sindh can register .Gos.PK domain within 1 hour after approval of Documents from PKNIC. .Gos.PK domain is only for the registered Government departments of Sindh. Navicosoft also has authorities to transfer your .Gos.PK domain name because; we are big reseller of .gos domains. Our rates for .Gos.PK domain is very low and fixed. You can compare our cheapest rates with any other .Gos.PK domain registrant in Pakistan.
What kind of characters can be used in a domain name and how long can it be?
When choosing a domain name always remember the following restrictions:
The only valid characters for a .Gos.PK domain name are letters, numbers and the symbol “-“.
A name has to start with a digit and end with a digit.
Dashes cannot begin or end your domain name. A .Gos.PK domain can not contain hyphens in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab- -cd.Gos.PK).
You can’t use symbols (such as ‘ + . , | ! ” £ $ % & / ( ) = ? ^ * ç ° § ; : _ > ] [ @ ), or spaces or stressed vowels (such as à, é, ò, í).
The minimum length of a domain under the top level domain .Gos.PK is 4 characters, the maximum length is 67 characters.
Your registration will not be accepted if your web name doesn’t follow the above limitations.
Domain name registration term allowance:
The .Gos.PK domain Name duration: 2,4,6,8 upto 10 years registration are possible at one time.
Navicosoft is your go-to provider for comprehensive hosting services in Pakistan. Our offerings include Pakistan VPS hosting, Pakistan Dedicated Server, Pak RDP, PK domain registration, and PKNIC card services. Experience unparalleled performance and unwavering support as we cater to businesses seeking reliable and secure online solutions.
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