Which registry controls .cc domain names?
VeriSign is the registry for .cc domain names.
For how long can I register .cc domain names?
The minimum registration length for .cc domain names is 1 year and they may be registered for a maximum of 10 years.
When do .cc domain names renew?
Auto-renewal of your .cc domain name renews on the day after its expiration date. If the renewal attempt fails, we re-attempt renewal 4 days later and again in another 7 days.
If we cannot auto-renew the domain name and you do not manually renew it by the 19th dayafter the expiration date, it must be redeemed. There might be a fee for the redemption.
For example: Your .cc domain name expires on October 1. If your domain name does not renew automatically, you can renew it manually until October 20. For automatic renewals, we attempt to renew the domain name on October 2, October 6, and October 13.
Can I add privacy and protection to .cc domain names?
Yes. Both privacy and protection services are available for .cc domain names.
Can I backorder .cc domain names?
We do not currently support the backorder of .cc domain names.
p style=”text-align: left; color: black; font-size: 25px; text-tranform: capitalize;”>Can I update the contact information for .cc domain names?
p style=”text-align: left; color: black; font-size: 25px; text-tranform: capitalize;”>Are there nameserver requirements for my .cc domain names?
No. Any valid nameservers can be used with .cc domain names.